Medicines: a Patient Profile Summary
A unique patient health information system providing trustworthy, up-to-date simplified information on licensed and unlicensed medicines available in the UK
Explore MaPPs
Medicines: a Patient Profile Summary
A unique patient health information system providing trustworthy, up-to-date simplified information on licensed and unlicensed medicines available in the UK
Explore MaPPsIntroducing MaPPs
Patient-Friendly, Personalised Medicines Information
MaPPs are patient friendly personalised information summaries that detail what the medicine is, how to take it and any possible side effects
All these resources are easy to read and available in a ready to view, send or print format. This aids patient understanding and allows healthcare professionals and carers to improve patient experience and improve medicines safety

MaPPs is an online resource that can be used to generate up-to-date simple language medicines summaries:
A personalised MaPPs information sheet, with the subscribers bespoke branding, can be generated for each patient using the MaPPs system
This can be provided in an electronic format to send by email or as a hard copy to take home, copies can also be attached to patient notes as a record of your conversation
Every MaPPs leaflet provides:
MaPPs Medicines Administration Records (MARs) and Medicines Reminders Charts (MRCs) charts provide enhanced support for patients and improve medicines management
ADMINISTRATION RECORD for when medicines are given
Quick and easy to implement
MaPPs can be accessed by HCPs (healthcare professionals) using a unique individual or organisational portal link

Case Studies
Explore the application of MaPPs in real-life situations
Innovative MaPPs add-ons
Inclusive MaPPs add-on services for children, people with learning difficulties and those whose first language is not English

MERLs (Medicine Easy Read Leaflets)
For patients where communication is a challenge or whose first language is not English and prefer a visual tool

MERLs translations
For non-English speakers or readers

What's My Drug?
An interactive portal that patients can use to access individual medicines information
We can help you
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